Homilies and Letters

Dear Parishioners, I am not sure how many of you know about “specials” at IHM Catholic Elementary School, but they have been well received over the years. One special is IHM ROCKET TEAM! IHM Rocket Team participates in The American Rocketry Challenge which is the world’s largest rocket contest. The contest is open to teams […]

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31ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (A) 2023 Intro: Last week when you were giving out candy on Halloween you saw “children” in a costume and many of them had their faces covered with masks!!! In a church community we are supposed to be recognizable by others as living a good life…. With NO MASKS COVERING […]

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28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2023 INTRO: Do you always wear the right thing? You all look nice today…. BUT are you wearing the right outfits?????? The wedding banquet story in Matthew’s gospel has this UNIQUE confrontation of the generous KING with a guest not wearing the “right thing” or the “correct outfit” according […]

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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2023 INTRO: REPENT I always cringe at the word REPENT. It seems so “harsh.” It seems it is directed at someone who had done something BIG. So why am I mentioning this today? Because of: – The first son & – The tax collectors and prostitutes We sort of […]

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Dear Parishioners, After several bids were received, IHM selected The Geopfert Company to replace our two church air conditioning units, which one broke down last August leaving the second one “barely” operable. Those church air conditioning units were purchased and installed in 1995! The scope of the work is to remove and dispose of the […]

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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2023 INTRO: Growing up with siblings…I am sure you all experienced it …. THE OLDER ONES always got privileges!!! *Like staying up later *Or staying out LONGER It is so typical that the younger would say: “This isn’t fair!!!” Well, obviously the impression that things are not fair was […]

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Dear Parishioners (who still pay State of Ohio taxes), BE AN ANGEL! I am very aware of the many requests for donations that all of us receive, and sometimes for many of us daily through the mail from various religious communities and civil organizations! Everywhere there is much-needed financial assistance for operations. BE AN ANGEL […]

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