Homilies and Letters

PALM SUNDAY 2023 INTRO: A number of years ago I took horseback riding lessons with my brother on our day off. And, one day, as it could only happen to me, while in the arena as I was trying to “canter”, outside the arena there was a truck delivery using the “backup feature that had […]

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Fifth Sunday in Lent (A) 2023 INTRO: “Untie Him” We have these ropes for the servers’ albs. They have to be tied in a knot. It’s hilarious to watch. Kids today cannot tie a knot!! Besides that, I got to say: Many of us adults are: Tied up or Tied down! Think about it…. • […]

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Dear Parishioners, Here is some useful information for you about the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) The Scrutiny and the Exorcism This past Sunday at the 10:00am Mass, three individuals who seek BAPTISM at the Easter Vigil this spring were recognized as having spent many months “scrutinizing” their lives, desiring changes in their behavior with an […]

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Third Sunday of Lent (A) 2023 INTRO: Todays, Long Gospel story ….. is one about …… Jesus having MERCY on people who are “different “or considered, by leaders of the day, to be out of the circle of society. SAMARITANS! JESUS actually builds up these people who have been considered different and teaches us (the […]

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Dear Parishioners, IHM Elementary School has had the blessing of Mrs. Kathleen (Kathy) Friess for 10 years as the elementary school Minister-Principal. She has been well-loved by the faculty and staff and many, many school parents for all these years. I have always believed that she has been born and bred a Catholic educator! She […]

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Second Sunday in Lent (A) 2023 INTRO: I know people who climb mountains. They explain that depending on the 1. MOUNTAIN HEIGHT, 2. THE TRAIL YOU FOLLOW, and your 3. PHYSICAL ENDURANCE it can be a hard trek! They also admit you see God’s creation at its most magnificence along the way! For most of […]

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Dear Parishioners, Kevin Hudak is the son of Jon and Karen Hudak. IHM has been working with Kevin for several years teaching him through special education about the church, the Mass, and the sacraments. Most recently he has become prepared to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Considering his mental and physical disabilities, I was granted […]

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7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) INTRO: Most people prefer doing EASY over doing DIFFICULT. This is so natural. But in the life of a CHRISTIAN, a CATHOLIC, and a follower of JESUS …… we are expected to do DIFFICULT! We are supposed to do the challenging acts of loving all of our neighbors, good […]

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