12TH Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) 2021 Once again …. Happy Father’s Day dads! I remember the fun days of getting our father “ties” or “BBQ equipment”, cutting the lawn for him, and making his favorite dinner meal!!! Those were special days. I hope you all enjoy TODAY!! INTRO: I was on a cruise ship […]
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) INTRO: It is amazing the things I remember about my youth!! One thing I remember is my KINDERGARTEN REPORT CARD! Can you believe that? I was astounded at it, mainly because it COMPARED me………………..to my twin brother!!! On this report card were listed skills that a kindergartener SHOULD HAVE, […]
CORPUS CHRISTI THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST INTRO: A high school student was walking down the street, past a house where a small child on a porch was S T R E C H I N G to reach the doorbell. No matter how hard the small child tried he could not […]
INTRO: My Father was called: DAD Sometimes: DADDY Or POPS My mom of course called him JOHN, and He called my mom: PEACH Everybody has got a name ……. A “given” name or a nickname! The names of GOD are what we celebrate today! God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. […]
Pentecost Sunday (B) 2021 INTRO: RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT!!! A friend of mine just ran a ½ marathon. He talked about being in the “FLOW”!! ??? I had to look that up. “FLOW IS A STATE OF BEING WHEN WE ARE COMPLETELY FOCUSED. IN THE FLOW OUR WORK SEEMS EFFORTLESS. WE FEEL INSPIRED AND MOTIVATION […]
Ascension Sunday (B) 2021 INTRO: For those of us who have seen or perhaps have run in a relay race, the critical moment in the race is the passing of the baton. More relay races are won or lost at that moment, the passing of the baton. Today’s Feast of the Ascension of the Lord […]
First of all, thank you for your financial generosity to this parish and also I am grateful for your continued involvement with the different ministries we have going on, AND YOUR PATIENCE WITH THE livestream. Secondly, this is an important weekend as I want to take a few minutes to ask for your financial support […]
Sixth Sunday of Easter (B) INTRO: So, the diocese refers to me being assigned here as PASTOR as BEING APPOINTED! INTERESTED GOSPEL word today ….. APPOINTED!!!! Presidents and leaders of countries… appoint men and women as cabinet members, office staff workers, etc.… Obviously, the diocese APPOINTS PRIESTS! It seems PEOPLE GET APPOINTED to do this […]
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) 2021 Intro: When I worked with my dad around the yard …it seemed I got stuck with all the “dirty work”. I sort of felt as if I was HIS SLAVE!!! He’d say: “Get me this” “Get me that” And so I would. But, I loved the yard work! […]
Third Sunday of Easter (B) 2021 INTRO: There’s a “catchy”’ commercial on TV for the CAPTIAL ONE BANK CARD: “What’s in your wallet?” So, I want to use that question, but in a different way: “What’s in your refrigerator?” So, I asked the kids at children’s’ mass last Friday that question and OH MY the […]