26th Sunday in Ordinary Time © INTRO: A while ago, I had a meeting for lunch in downtown Cleveland… It is typically crowded…always difficult to find a parking spot, but in this one area…I have always been lucky. Lo and behold that famous day…WOW spots all over the place waiting for MY parked car! I […]

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20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022 C INTRO: We were typical teenagers ALONE on a hot and humid weekend as my parents were away having gone on a golf weekend. We were expecting them home late Sunday afternoon! Well, I am sorry to say we decided to have a party on Saturday night (of course, […]

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19th Sunday in Ordinary Time C 2022 INTRO: The story of the Blacksmith By Megan McKenna There was once a BLACKSMITH who worked hard at his trade. The day came for him to die. God sent His angel to the blacksmith, but, to the angel’s surprise……. the blacksmith refused to go!!!!!! He pleaded with the […]

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14th Sunday Ordinary Time C 2022 INTRO: A while ago I was listening to the great excitement of one of our students going ON and ON enthusiastically about their TRACK PROGRESS!!! Oh my… how their time was getting better and better, so much so that at the end of the season they won the meet! […]

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