Ascension Sunday © 2022 INTRO: When I was deciding to become a priest, I wavered back and forth while in the seminary if I could do this or not. How could I get up everyday and have to preach, heal, and minister and do it well? My spiritual director kept saying: “You have it within […]
6th Sunday of Easter 2022 c INTRO: I WAS A YOUNG BOY in the early or mid-sixty’s when the SIGN OF PEACE originated in the Mass. I distinctly remember my mom and dad a bit hesitant about this “gesture.” I heard them “talking” and questioning it. We kids thought it COOL! However, my parents embraced […]
Fifth Sunday of Easter © INTRO: When I was first learning how to cut the lawn in our family home, I was in Jr. High …. And …. I thought it was a bit UNUSUAL, but my father was explaining to me that I had to cut the grass ON THE DIAGONAL!! And then the […]
Fourth Sunday of Easter © INTRO: True story: Many years ago, fire was consuming an apartment building in New York City. A blind girl was trapped on the fourth floor, perched on a window ledge. Firefighters could not maneuver their ladder truck between the buildings, so a net was set up to catch the teenage […]
Second Sunday of Easter C 2022 INTRO: I have had it mentioned to me several times by all sorts of people: “I feel like I’m losing my faith.” People would say that they have had an intimate relationship with God, but now they feel empty inside, and have even begun to question whether God exists […]
Palm Sunday 2022 C INTRO: The Catholic Church all throughout the world has designated PALM SUNDAY as the opening of HOLY WEEK. It recalls JESUS’ triumphal entry into JERUSALEM! It must have been quite the scene! ASK: What is the ONE, MOST EXPENSIVE ITEM that you own? (Do not really tell me…but think of it […]
Fifth Sunday in Lent C 2022 INTRO: When I was growing up there was an apple orchard as part of one of our neighbors’ property. First, we kids WERE NOT ALLOWED to enter it, but we did anyway! Second, the apples, when almost ripe, were the best for throwing at each other. A group of […]
Fourth Sunday in Lent 2022 C INTRO: Have you simply looked at a person and evaluated him or her on what they are wearing? Several years ago, I was disappointed to hear that some girls would group themselves as “friends” by making sure they were wearing a certain type of hairband!! Boys were doing the […]
Third Sunday of Lent C 2022 INTRO: I have mentioned to you before that I was not the “brightest light to hit the socket” when I was in school! Obviously, I made it, but did have some difficulties along the way. For instance, we had an intense chemistry teacher in the seminary college program. She […]
Second Sunday in Lent ( C ) INTRO: Are you worried about the future? For Our church…. Our society…. Our world…. Our own safety…. Your family’s well-being…. There is a lot of worry out there…. Am I RIGHT? Worrying about the future, because it is so uncertain and a bit scary, causes anxiety and stress […]