Third Sunday of Easter (B) 2021 INTRO: There’s a “catchy”’ commercial on TV for the CAPTIAL ONE BANK CARD: “What’s in your wallet?” So, I want to use that question, but in a different way: “What’s in your refrigerator?” So, I asked the kids at children’s’ mass last Friday that question and OH MY the […]
2nd Sunday of EASTER (ABC) INTRO: “Where are your wounds” story. A prominent man died; a man who lived the “good life”; solid, moral, and trustworthy, a faithful husband and loving father. He had worked hard; his work ethic and professionalism were beyond reproach. When he died, he went to heaven where Saint Peter greeted […]
Easter Homily 2021 INTRO: -I was watching children in their classroom the other day, COLORING!!!!! ….. I was intrigued with their “hands”…. Some of the children were holding their crayons in a very unique fashion….. I guess not all little artists hold their “tools of the trade” in the same fashion, but, in the […]
GOOD FRIDAY 2021 INTRO: I am sure you all have seen pictures or may even have visited SAINT PETER’S BASILICA. Try and imagine that high altar and the Bernini columns holding up the baldachin over the altar… BREATHTAKING. Around this high altar are FOUR LARGE STATUES, positioned in such a way as to look at […]
PALM SUNDAY 2021 INTRO: A number of years ago I took horseback riding lessons with my brother on our day off. And, one day, as it could only happen to me, while in the arena as I was trying to “canter”, outside the arena there was a truck delivery using the “backup feature that had […]
Fourth Sunday in Lent 2021 B INTRO: Everybody knows it…. When adults see a child walking toward them with their hands “lifted up”… For sure that child: Wants to be picked up and held, Or Wants to be raised up, Or Wants to be lifted up. The Scripture today uses that line “lifted up”: “Moses […]
First Sunday of Lent (B) 2020 INTRO: First Sunday in Lent (B) INTRO: Years ago in my first years as a priest, I was hearing school kids confessions… Children were coming to me FACE TO FACE and I watched this third grader…. Really prim and proper… hands folded in the best expression of holiness … […]
Ash Wednesday 2021 INTRO: Raise your right hand if you ever watched a Basketball Game on TV? Now RAISE both hands if you ever went to a STADIUM to watch a football or baseball game? I thought so….. All of you were like SPECTATORS, watching the games on TV or in the stadium. I am […]
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time B 2021 INTRO: Loneliness can be a difficult part of life. No one wants to be lonely. They say “one can be lonely even in a crowded room”! Maybe even in this crowded room? THE REALITY……. there are people who are lonely and the world pandemic certainly contributes many these […]
Fifth Sunday in ordinary time 2021 (B) Homily INTRO: SIMON’S MOTHER IN LAW HAD A FEVER! I was told that when as a child I developed such a high fever that my mom miraculously would bring the fever down by putting COLD CLOTHS on me. I have heard of this practice often…. and so I […]