HOLY FAMILY SUNDAY 2020 INTRO: I was diagnosed at a very early age with poor eyesight. The eye doctor called it “LAZY EYE” in my right eye. I hated that diagnosis! I am not LAZY. My brother with perfect eye sight teased me mercilessly. “Lazy eye Lazy eye Jimmy’s got a lazy eye! Oh well. […]

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Christmas Eve 2020 INTRO: Did you know it is roughly 100 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem? According to GOOGLE maps it would take about 34 hours to travel the distance on foot, not counting stops for rest – nor does it consider bandits in the desert and a woman at full term pregnancy??? But this […]

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Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) INTRO: Who has seen the movie: WIZARD OF OZ? Okay, Dorothy and Toto meet three characters on her way to OZ… FIRST ONE ? SECOND ONE ? THIRD ONE ? What does the FIRST ONE want from the Wizard? What does the SECOND ONE want from the Wizard? And What […]

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Second Sunday of Advent (B) INTRO: Has this ever happened to you…..tree trimming!!!!?? Families get together; sip some beverages, listening to Christmas music, dividing up the duties of trimming the tree. Suppose you are the one who gets to do the lights…..!!! How many of you like to do the lights???? How many of you […]

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First Sunday of Advent (B) 2020 INTRO: In this vastly-used technological world most of us either KNOW ABOUT or HAVE TRULY EXPERIENCED the computer CRASH!!! The computer screen ALL OF A SUDDEN goes DARK!!!! And the threat of losing a project or whatever we have been working on MAY BE LOST!!!!! We get stunned. We […]

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29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) INTRO: I grew up on the west side of Cleveland, and most of my young formative years were in Lakewood, Ohio. It was in that BIG old colonial home that we children learned: All things have a certain place. Our father’s car was always parked in the same spot. […]

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28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2020 INTRO: Do you always wear the right thing? You all look really nice today ..…BUT, are you wearing the right outfits ?????? The wedding banquet story in Matthew’s gospel has this UNIQUE confrontation of the generous KING with a guest not wearing the “right thing” or the “correct […]

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27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) INTRO: I’m not sure how much you know about the SAINTS, and I have to say I could use a class on the Lives of the Saints, but, I do remember some “tid-bits” about many saints. Saint Catherine of Siena is considered a DOCTOR of the CHURCH…she was brilliant […]

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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) INTRO: Growing up with brothers or sisters…I am sure you all experienced it ….. THE OLDER ONES always got privileges!!! *like staying up later *or staying out LONGER It’s so typical that the younger would say: “This isn’t fair!!!” Well, obviously the impression that things aren’t fair was happening […]

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24th Sunday in Ordinary Time A 2020 Weekend of September 12-13, 2020 INTRO: Raise your hands if you agree these are very interesting times!  So many new situations that we haven’t seen before! A world pandemic Rioting and looting and protesting In a way, out of control bickering between peoples Crazy hurricane disasters And Wild […]

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