Homilies and Letters

Corpus Christi June 2, 2024 INTRO: A woman left church on a Sunday morning and was shopping at a small outdoor stand near her New York city apartment. She noticed a homeless woman looking over the fruits and vegetables there. She immediately went up to the woman and asked if she would like to choose […]

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Dear Parishioners, After consideration of many responses from our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, which were overwhelmingly positive, my decision is to have two communion cups of consecrated wine to share with the congregation at each of our weekend Masses, plus, if possible, at our daily Masses as well. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: The ministers who […]

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Pentecost Sunday (B) 2024 INTRO: ANYY RUNNERS OUT THERE? A friend of mine just ran a ½ marathon. He talked about being in the “FLOW”!! ??? I had to look that up. “FLOW IS A STATE OF BEING WHEN WE ARE COMPLETELY FOCUSED. IN THE FLOW OUR WORK SEEMS EFFORTLESS. WE FEEL INSPIRED AND MOTIVATION […]

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Dear Parishioners, After consideration of many responses from our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, which were overwhelmingly positive, my decision is to have two communion cups of consecrated wine to share with the congregation at each of our weekend Masses, plus, if possible, at our daily Masses as well. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: The ministers who […]

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Ascension Sunday (B) 2024 INTRO: For those of us who have seen or have run in a relay race, the critical moment in the race is the passing of the baton. More relay races are won or lost at that moment, the passing of the baton. Today’s Feast of the Ascension of the Lord can […]

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Sixth Sunday of Easter (B) 2024 INTRO: So, the diocese refers to my being your PASTOR as being APPOINTED! INTERESTING GOSPEL word today …. APPOINTED!!!! “It was I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit.” Presidents and leaders of countries… appoint people as cabinet members, office staff workers, etc.… Obviously, the […]

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Fifth Sunday of Easter (B) 2024 Intro: When I worked with my dad around the yard …I got stuck with all the “dirty work”. I felt as if I was HIS SLAVE!!! He would say: “Get me this.” “Get me that” “Pick that up.” And so, I would. But I loved the yard work! Still […]

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Dear Parishioners, Wednesday, May 1st, 2024, there is going to be a daily Mass time change! Wednesday’s DAILY MASS at 8:00am will now become a 5:00pm Mass. Beginning May 1st there will no longer be an 8:00am Mass! Why? Father Ralph Thomas needs some sabbatical time off from daily and weekend sacramental ministry. Starting May […]

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