Dear Parishioners, Pope Francis invites Catholics to renew consecration to Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25 CAN – Vatican City, Mar 22, 2023 / 06:40 am Pope Francis has invited Catholics to annually renew an act of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25. The solemnity of the Annunciation on Saturday […]
Dear Parishioners, Here is some useful information for you about the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) The Scrutiny and the Exorcism This past Sunday at the 10:00am Mass, three individuals who seek BAPTISM at the Easter Vigil this spring were recognized as having spent many months “scrutinizing” their lives, desiring changes in their behavior with an […]
Dear Parishioners, IHM Elementary School has had the blessing of Mrs. Kathleen (Kathy) Friess for 10 years as the elementary school Minister-Principal. She has been well-loved by the faculty and staff and many, many school parents for all these years. I have always believed that she has been born and bred a Catholic educator! She […]
Dear Parishioners, If you recall, IHM’s church air conditioners broke down in mid-August 2022, and we had the air conditioning back on in a few days. At that time, it was determined that one of the two units was completely “gone” while the other unit worked to completely keep the church air conditioned sufficiently. These […]
Dear Parishioners, Kevin Hudak is the son of Jon and Karen Hudak. IHM has been working with Kevin for several years teaching him through special education about the church, the Mass, and the sacraments. Most recently he has become prepared to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Considering his mental and physical disabilities, I was granted […]
Dear Parishioners, LENT starts on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, which is a little more than a week away. It has always been a sacrificial time for us, but also a time to grow in our spiritual lives. PRAY – FAST – GIVE ALMS With that in mind, IHM will offer you four evening opportunities to […]
Dear Parishioners, More safety efforts coming to Immaculate Heart of Mary School Building! An important and BIG project was decided this past week to create an even more “safe” school building for all who use the school. Safety committee members, include myself, Kathy Friess, Jen Conti, Jeff Andrea, and Chief Davis prioritized the first need […]
Dear Parishioners, I am aware, for some of our parishioners, there remains a difficulty in hearing during the Mass. Therefore, after a bit of research with other parish churches, Bill Andrea conducted a study of certain companies that provide hearing assistance for those with hearing aids and or cochlear implants. In that research, Brown Audio […]
Dear Parishioners, Is it RCIA or OCIA? In the near future this change will be in effect. Just keeping you updated! All of us know that things change, evolve, and develop. Most recently what was once called RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS) is now being called, OCIA (ORDER OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS)! […]
Dear Parishioners, As the new year begins, I am so grateful for your continued fidelity to making sure your offertory gets to us, especially when some of you are remaining home and live-streaming Mass due to COVID, age, and individual health concerns. You amazingly mail in or drop off these envelopes and for this I […]