HOLY FAMILY SUNDAY 2021 INTRO: I was diagnosed at an early age with poor eyesight. The eye doctor called it “LAZY EYE” in my right eye. I hated that diagnosis! There were all kinds of exercises to perform…. And there was a patch to wear!!! NOT MUCH COULD BE DONE… so I began wearing glasses […]
Christmas – Mass at Midnight (ABC) INTRO: AHHHH Merry Christmas everybody! Every year at Christmas, people everywhere are giving gifts. In our family HOME it was a crazy MESS. We kids were always going at its full speed ahead the see what was wrapped up for us! There was Laughing, screaming, crying, ripping, thanking, and […]
Fourth Sunday of Advent C 2021 INTRO: How do I begin today? I have to say this past week was very disconcerting with the health and wellbeing of so many “at home” sicknesses of priests, school children, and parishioners due to COVID-19. Friends in hospitals, on respirators or not, with colds and positive cases or […]
Third Sunday in Advent © INTRO: 1. Empty the dishwasher 2. Take out the Garbage 3. Clean your room 4. Walk the dog These are the typical “kid chores” at home!!! Kids are supposed to do these, for the most part, without having to be told. It teaches them responsibility by “belonging to a family […]
First Sunday of Advent ( C ) INTRO: When we were children, our mother wanted us kids to always STAND UP STRAIGHT WALK WITH OUR HEADS UP. To do so SHE MADE US WALK AROUND THE LIVING ROOM balancing a book on our heads!! It was crazy, but we did it! I mention this because […]
CHRIST THE KING (B) 2021 INTRO: Well, here we are… onto THANKSGIVING and next week the Advent Season! LOVE IT! BUT today we celebrate CHRIST THE KING! I got to tell you I never liked this SOLEMNITY! AS much as I love music and grandeur, I just have a challenging time celebrating JESUS CHRIST that […]
Priesthood Sunday 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Intro: WELL ……………. IHM School had a HALLOWEEN DAY yesterday (FRIDAY) at the end of the school day. Children paraded around the GYM in costumes and received a candy treat! You should have seen them………. there were: Super-Heroes, Dorothy from the Wizard of OZ, Saint Michael the […]
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) God’s power! INTRO: QUESTION: What are we supposed to learn today? – sell everything? – follow the commandments? – be careful of being wealthy? Who is the MAIN CHARACTER? – The RICH guy? – Jesus? – Disciples? – Children? A lot of times the expectation in MOVIES, is that […]
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) INTRO: Tell story of the NEW PRIEST… -all excited for his FIRST wedding -not sure how many of you know the details of the ROMAN MISSAL, but this new priest was “still” fumbling a bit with the pages/ritual HE WANTED TO GET EVERYTHING JUST RIGHT -he was asking his […]
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) 2021 INTRO: It was in the early 60’s. I was still a young impressionable son. My parents had us attending their home parish, an ethnic Slovak church in Lakewood and I liked church. On one occasion and it was during the time when all people knelt at the altar […]