3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) INTRO: tell story of Father and little boy making the kite! A little boy and his father are making a KITE. They spend hours together carefully gluing the pinewood slats, fitting the delicate paper onto the frame, and fashioning the tail. Then on that first windy day father and […]

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Epiphany Homily – January 8, 2023

Epiphany 2023 INTRO: I remember my DAD always harping on LIGHTS!! ……………. TURN OFF THE LIGHTS! I guess my father was not a good CHRISTIAN, because CHRISTIANS aren’t supposed to turn off their lights… They are to be kept burning brightly! So, just what is this LIGHT OF CHRIST burning brightly in us? What is […]

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New Year’s Day Homily 2023 INTRO: My mom was a lot of fun to be with. My dad and she made many church friends …. And …. She had many “girlfriends” and socialized a lot with them. She was friendly to all… had this job “at the front desk” of our county library. It was […]

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Fourth Sunday of Advent (A) 2019 INTRO: ASK: HONESTY NOW…. Raise your hands if someone has accused you of “talking too much”!!! I thought so! I have been accused of such as well. Even back when I was in the second grade the Notre Dame Sister wrote to my parents: IF JAMES WOULDN’T TALK SO […]

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Third Sunday of Advent A 2022 Gaudete Sunday INTRO: I was in the third grade and after being diagnosed with “lazy EYE” and getting poor grades because I could not see the blackboard, I was finally prescribed with glasses to wear 100% of the time. So, the glasses helped me SEE BETTER! Seeing better is […]

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Second Sunday of Advent (A) INTRO: How many of you like to do the lights, decorating a Christmas tree???? How many of you HAVE CERTAIN WAY TO DO THE LIGHTS??? So here I am…doing the lights….…. ALL OF SUDDEN, I hear: Um, JIM, don’t you want to GO AROUND THE TREE doing the lights, instead […]

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First Sunday of Advent (A) 2022 INTRO: Have you ever been on a pilgrimage? Pilgrimages are HOLY JOURNEY’S from beginning to end. It is at the end of the journey that is “possibly” most special and rewarding for the “pilgrims.” The El Camino de Santiago is a famous “walking” pilgrimage in Europe beginning in France […]

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Christ the King Homily 2022 C Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe INTRO: Many times, in “social circles” people talk about their lives, their traditions, their customs, and their nationality. And that makes for good conversations, and it helps people to really know one another. And each of us here has that information […]

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28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022 C INTRO: Glad you are here tonight (today). Is not worship beautiful and impressive? I did grow up with the steady practice of attending not only Sunday Mass, but even weekday Mass! Those of you here who do attend weekday Mass, wouldn’t it be something to see two young […]

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