Fourth Sunday in EASTER (B) 2024 INTRO: True story: Many years ago, fire was consuming an apartment building in New York City. A blind girl was trapped on the fourth floor, perched on a window ledge. Firefighters could not maneuver their ladder truck between the buildings, so a net was set up to catch the […]

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Third Sunday of Easter (B) 2024 INTRO: There is a “catchy”’ commercial on TV for the CAPTIAL ONE BANK CARD: “What’s in your wallet?” Well, I do not want to ask you that, but I would ask you: “What’s in your refrigerator?” Well FOOD is in your refrigerator. What is it about food? It affects […]

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2nd Sunday of EASTER (ABC) INTRO: A prominent man died; a man who lived the “good life;” solid, moral, and trustworthy, a faithful husband and loving father. He had worked hard; his work ethic and professionalism were beyond reproach. When he died, he went to heaven where Saint Peter greeted him at the gates. When […]

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Easter 2024 INTRO: Are you an “explainer”? You know if someone asks you what you did to make that delicious meal, you tell them! And then they know how! OR, When someone asks for directions to a certain place, you tell them! And then they know how to get there! Well, in the EASTER season […]

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Palm Sunday (B) 2024 INTRO: Saint Peter’s Basilica is HUGE! Everything inside likewise……. HUGE in size. It’s awesome to behold and I was fortunate in 2008 to spend a considerable three month sabbatical in Rome and I visited this wonderful Basilica MANY, MANY, TIMES! I want to point out that the Altar of sacrifice, under […]

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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time B 2024 INTRO: Sadness can be a difficult part of life. No one wants to be sad. They say, “one can be sad even in a crowded room”! Even in this crowded room? THE REALITY……. There are sad people in our community. Easy question…… Who were the two main characters […]

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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) 2024 INTRO In the year ahead the Gospels at Mass will hear JESUS speak often of the “kingdom of God.” What does that mean to you… this KINGDOM OF GOD? It always has been said that we are supposed to live it, create it while on this earth. Jesus […]

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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) 2024 INTRO: In today’s Gospel the apostles are invited to LOOK AND SEE who is before them…… to recognize who it is in their midst! And what that truly means is: We are to RECOGNIZE IDENTIFY AND DETECT all that is valuable in every human being that are all […]

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Second Sunday of Advent (B) 2023 INTRO: How many of you HAVE CERTAIN WAY TO DO THE CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS??? I always am criticized as to the way I do them!! Has that criticism ever happen to you? IN REALITY ALL OF US are OPEN TO CRITICISM! Is the criticism, right? Was it fair? Should […]

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32 Sunday in Ordinary Time 2023 (A) INTRO: Most people “jump the gun” when this Gospel is read and most people, at first, wonder why the wise “virgins” did not share their oil with the foolish ones to keep their torches burning??? They are thinking: “THAT’S NOT VERY CHRIST-LIKE”!!!! Let me explain… The “OIL” is […]

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