Second Sunday in Lent ( C ) INTRO: Are you worried about the future? For Our church…. Our society…. Our world…. Our own safety…. Your family’s well-being…. There is a lot of worry out there…. Am I RIGHT? Worrying about the future, because it is so uncertain and a bit scary, causes anxiety and stress […]
First Sunday of Lent c 2022 INTRO: Well, I have often mentioned in my homily’s small bits of information about my family and growing up. You may remember that John and I (the twins) were the second birth in the Singler family. The first was my older sister! She was PERFECT in every way. She […]
Ash Wednesday 2022 INTRO: Raise your right hand if you ever watched a Basketball Game on TV? Now RAISE both hands if you ever went to a STADIUM to watch a football or baseball game? I thought so….. All of you were like SPECTATORS, watching the games on TV or in the stadium. I am […]
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022 © INTRO: Blind leading the blind Splinters and beams in our eyes Good trees and bad trees good fruits and bad fruits OH MY! What is going on here? REMEMBER …… The GOSPELS are about improving US and so JESUS uses imagery today to accomplish improvement in us. Let […]
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time © INTRO: “Going the extra mile!” Have you ever dreaded going to some place or event, but after it was over you wished it had not ended??? Sometimes going the extra mile to do something we initially do not want to do can make an enormous difference in our lives. […]
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time ( C ) 2022 INTRO: I do get caught up with all those TV shows about rehabbing homes. Property Brothers HGTV Love it or List it Fixer upper Flip or flop In these types of TV shows people will buy an old house with the intent of gutting it or […]
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time © INTRO: There is a certain amount of PREPARATION that goes into about all tasks or duties we undertake. For instance, most of you already know that I enjoy cooking. Many of you do as well! And to undertake cooking ANY RECIPE there must be SOME PREPARATION: like • buy […]
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time © INTRO A little boy complained of “PAIN” all over…. So, his concerned mother took him to the doctor. “So where does it hurt, pal?” said the doctor. “I hurt all over!” the boy said. “What do you mean ALL OVER?” the doctor said. And the boy touched his knee […]
Baptism of the Lord 2022 INTRO: I read a story about a husband and wife. Theirs was a longstanding and happy marriage. After Dad died, his daughters and wife had the difficult task of going through his things. Together they gathered up his clothes and belongings, distributing everything to other family members, close friends, and […]
Epiphany 2022 INTRO: When we were kids………….. We used to put up a sign on our bedroom door which said KEEP OUT! I guess we did that because we were mad at our brothers and sisters or parents or we wanted nothing to do with others or maybe we were just claiming our own territory. […]